January 26th
(RESCHEDULED from January 19th) Northside Baptist Church believes in the power of prayer and that we are called to pray for other people, even those we don’t know. On Sunday, January 26th, at 6:00 PM, Northside family and friends are invited to participate in a prayer walk around the neighborhoods surrounding our church campus. During this time, we will have a specific area we will walk through, and along the way, pray for our neighbors. These walks will continue throughout the year on the 3rd Sunday of each month. If you have any questions, please feel free to click on the button below. We can’t wait to gather as a church and pray for our friends and neighbors!
February 2nd
Northside Next is a class designed to give participants an in depth look at the mission of Northside, what we believe, and specific ways to get connected. After completing this class, participants will have an opportunity to become a member after meeting with one of our leaders and, signing a membership covenant.
February 8th