Kids Consent Form


I hereby give my consent for my child to
participate in Northside Baptist Church (NBC) activities, church sponsored trips, (including, but not limited to, travel to
and from said activities) and in other activities that are part of the expanded Northside program. It is my clear understand-
ing that participation in activities creates a risk normally associated with such activities, including the potential for cata-
strophic injury or even death. I understand the possible risks that may be involved in these activities, and do not hold
Northside Baptist Church, it's staff, or volunteer workers liable, and that, by signing this form, I am stating that I will not
hold NBC, it's staff, or volunteer workers at fault in case of sickness or the accidental injury (including death) of my child.
In the event of sickness or some other medical emergency, I request that my child receive any medical attention or
treatment deemed necessary; therefore, I give permission to any hospital, doctor, and/or health care provider to
transport, treat and/or admit for care, my child.


Service Times

Sunday Mornings

9:30am & 11:00am

Sunday Evenings
